The Toronto School for Strings is very committed to teaching very young children in the Suzuki, or Mother Tongue Approach, as it is known in Japan.
- We are a proud member of the Suzuki Association of Ontario
- We have on our faculty, teachers who have specialized training in Suzuki, and working with very young children.
- We believe that it is the best way to start a very young child.
- We offer instruction in Violin, Cello, Piano and Guitar.
Participation in the program requires a higher level of parental involvement and commitment than with traditional instruction methods, but that it is absolutely worthwhile!
Parents may wish to acquire an instrument, as well to learn the absolute basics.
We highly recommend the following links to help prospective students get started.
As a quick summary we recommend:
- Reading «Nurtured By Love» and/or «Ability Development from Age Zero» by Shinichi Suzuki.
- Listening daily to the reference recordings that are available for pieces in the Suzuki books.
The TSS, in addition to the stores listed below, will have copies of the Suzuki Books and CDs in stock. - Instruments, sized specially for children, properly adjusted are available from the SoundPost, the Remenyi House of Music, and Long and McQuaid. Contact information is available from our «Recommended Links» page. We recommend shopping for instruments in person rather than the online stores.
- A special course called «Every Child Can« (ECC). This is for parents, teachers, administrators and enthusiasts who want a really comprehensive orientation. It is a very enjoyable and worthwhile overview, and is offered throughout Canada and the United States. For information about this ECC course, follow this Link: http://suzukiontario.org/
The TSS Suzuki Program includes:
- A weekly private lesson, and a bi-weekly group class.
- Group concerts and solo recitals.
- Parent mentoring.
- Graduations for mastery of the Twinkle Variations and of the individual books. Trophies and Diplomas.
For more information about Suzuki Method in Ontario, please go to http://suzukiontario.org/ and follow the links under: SUZUKI METHOD.
For information on the wider community of Suzuki, please follow: About the Suzuki Method